Gas Purging
Where gas pipework requires to be decommissioned for removal or to undergo modification (when suitably positioned isolation valves are not present) it is necessary to remove all fuel gas from the lines. The safe removal of fuel gas is completed by way of either direct purging with air or indirect purging with nitrogen (dependant on the size and layout of the system).
We are experienced, qualified, and equipped to safely and efficiently complete this purging process for both decommisioning and recommissioning of natural gas lines. This can be done as part of our works installing, upgrading or modifying a heating system or to allow other non-gas qualified contractors to safely remove redundant gas lines.
We work within the scope of IGEM/UP/1A*. This covers the vast majority of small to medium sized commercial and industrial sites running on natural gas.
* Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers - Utilisation Procedure 1A - Edition 2 - Reprint with amendments 2005: Strength testing, tightness testing and direct purging of small low pressure industrial and commercial Natural Gas installations